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A company that respects the environment is a well managed company. The precise and minimal utlization of the environmental resources at hand is the manner that we at INGENIA uphold our respect for the enviroment.

In INGENIA we have implemented the following Environmental Management Systems:
1. Strictly following the requirements of the UNE-EN-ISO 14001:2004 "Environmental Management System. Specifications and guidelines for their use."
2. Practicing Community Environmental Management System under the EMAS Regulation.

Our Environmental Management Systems regulates the companys´activities and ensures that we uphold our commitment to environmental preservation.

Our Environmental Policy is outlined to control and manage the waste produced with each project and recycling all possible materials.




Ingenia Actividades | C/ Médico Durán, nº19 - Bajo | 15005 A Coruña | Tlf. +34 981 904 211 | Fax. +34 981 904 212 | CIF: B-70135710 | legal advise | [email protected]